
The Author Journey Solutions Coaching Model targets authors who are stuck, stalled, or slow to start on a project, or with their writing career.

Are you finding it difficult to carve out time to write?

Suffering from writer’s block or procrastination?

Struggling with the battle between day job and writing career?

Have you slid down Alice’s rabbit hole looking for shiny golden keys to unlock the doors to publishing success—and can’t find your way back to putting words on the page?

Maybe you’re plagued with all or some of the above. Maybe it's something else. Then take a walk with me. Let’s get you back on the Write Path.

Pre-session (free).

  • Free 30-minute consulting session focused on targeted questions.
  • At end of session, Coach and Client discuss moving forward with coaching sessions, fees, and targeted focus.

1 Hour Consultation (paid):

  • An alternative for those authors not wanting to jump into a full 5 week/session model. We dig deeper into the "why," the "what," and the "how" of the author's journey.

Standard 5 Session Coaching Model (paid):

  • Session 1. Identifying goals, barriers, and defining success
  • Session 2. Nurturing ideas and creativity
  • Session 3. Developing habits, routines, processes
  • Session 4. Identifying sweet spot
  • Session 5. Pre-publishing checklist and/or publishing options

Customized 5 Session Coaching Model (paid):

  • Session 1. Identifying goals, barriers, and defining success. Coach and Client co-create an Author Journey Plan aligned with client’s goals and stumbling blocks uncovered in the free and paid session 1.
  • Sessions 2-5: Determined by co-created Author Journey Plan.
  • At end of 5 Sessions, client can reup for more support (client and coach define number of sessions and topics) or move on with their project.

Contact Maddie James at for more information.